kate moss 3d shoot by baille walshartist and filmmaker baillie walsh has created this short 3d film and shoot with model kate moss for another magazine. the work continues moss and walsh’s journey into experimental, multi-dimensional image-making, first seen in their legendary holographic film for alexander mcQueen’s autumn/winter 2006 show. with a performance that recalls the fantastical cinema of ray harryhausen, james bidgood and kenneth anger, km3d-1 places at its centre one of the most iconic female figures of the modern age. suspended in time and space, kate is caught inexorably in the parallax gap; a butterfly in a spider’s web. captured at 1,000 frames per second – a speed so slow that movement is almost imperceptible – the beauty of kate’s face appears frozen, transforming her into an impenetrable deity. she is a figure of contemporary fantasy, shattering her own self-image. made with state-of-the-art phantom cameras, specially built for the project to create extreme slow motion and a dramatic 3d effect, km3d-1 reflects another magazine’s raison d’etre: to champion creatives pushing the limits of what seems possible.
KM3D-1 from artschoolvets on Vimeo.