mark mawson beautiful photos from mark mawson in sydney, just stunning!
Monday, June 29, 2009
picasso paints ive just come across these photographs taken by gjon mili in 1949 in vallauris, france. they are beautiful and full of life. more can be found here.
herring & herring beautiful photos created by combining two images. The preliminary photos were taken with the model wearing clothing over a green body suit, the body and background were then stripped away in post production and then only the clothing was projected onto the model, who had to take the same pose as in the initial photos". More can be found here.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
philips vs the sun i hate chickens with a passion after a rather traumatic experience as a child, but this is hilarious! i was so excited for simon when he crowed. although poor bastard must have been slightly confused at day break! loved the baby mobile sending him to sleep, and the farmyard music, very cool! its a part of quite an interesting campaign which is run virtually all on twitter, where people can tweat their craziest ideas for philips and the winners win a tv.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
deadline - post-it - stop motion i can't imagine how much hard work and planning went into this but i think it looks really cool!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
aparment envy i am in love with this room, i wish my flat looked more like this.
alice in wonderland i am so excited for the new tim burton take on alice in wonderland, it was one of my favourite childhood stories, and i know he is going to make it even more amazing! loving the casting of matt lucas for tweedle dee and tweedle dum, and helena bonhum carters make-up is awesome! i can't wait. hurry up!
Monday, June 22, 2009
unofficial music video for death cab for cutie by ross ching very pretty typographical mmusic video, done by meshing together alot of photos and making them move.
directtv + watch it when you want to watch it. very clever! leo burnett, columbia.
the honda effect its nice to finally see a positive spin on the recession, rather than all the doom and gloom of recent months, well done honda!
robinsons : bird house i saw this ages ago, but it is very sweet. i love the little man who pops out of the clock to say hello on the hour.
coke : its mine another very cute ad from coke. i love it.
fallen princesses im really loving the series 'fallen princesses' done by dina goldstein, very funny! poor cinders always seem to have a tough time. see more here.
vogue russia i love the new russian dolls created to celebrate vogue russias 10th anniversary. here are designs from ralph lauren, moshino, giorgio armani, burberry and dolce and gabanna - happy birthday vogue russia...
3d map of hong kong have you seen the new 3d map made of hong kong - its so cool! ive just spent the last 1/2 hour going around old places i've been to and loved - it makes me want to go back!!! see it here.
wake up , humans! this is an interesting and clever approach to raise awareness of amnesty international in belguim and its 60 year declaration of human rights, through quite a simple interactive campaign.
txt island a very cute experimental stop motion film made of hundreds of plastic letters.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
booneoakley this is a really cool new take on a website for booneoakley. why make a website ehen you can have such a cute, different and effective video.